August 2024 personal operating system

My personal protocol for August to systemise reaching my goals. The focus is creating cognitive demand in towards my goals.

Mentally im creating cognitive demand towards the areas I need to be sharp creating hours for each reseviour. Business/capitalism spectrum, health- metabolic health is the focus this month, behavioural economics and general reading.

Physically im focused on mitochondria health, as a result im in full nutritional ketosis 65% fat 35% protein. Putting on muscle whilst in full state of ketosis has always been a fun experiment for me.Also running a precooling + 30 min lunge protocol to test my hormones at the end of the month.

Professionally im focused on going fro -0 to 1 with my business. Its moving in the right direction. Reading loads is adding colour to the “vision”. 4 weeks away from getting other people involved.


  • Rise early

  • Hour reading (The text im on for the week)

  • 5 min ice bath followed by rewarming protocol for endocrine stimulation

  • 30 min barefoot (grass) walking lunge with Metabolic health specific lecture/ podcast

  • Hour of podcast work

  • Business block - 2-3 hours

  • Break for lunch + 30 min walk with Metabolic health specific lecture/ podcast

  • Hour reading ( Capitalism spectrum specific material)

  • Hour reading (Behavioural economics specific material

  • Weights and core (upping volume of work, adding in daily core system)

  • Admin 20 mins

  • Business block - 1 hour

  • Dinner followed by walk with loved ones

  • Bed time reading - (The text im on for the week) will add some red light


Notes about building